What Is NFT And How Does It Works


In this article, we will dive into non-fungible tokens , what is NFT, how to start non fungible tokens, and how did it start along with its popularity among masses, how to create non fungible tokens, characteristics that make NFT different, its benefits, risks and the upcoming future.

Non-Fungible Tokens aka the NFTs are digital assets or a type of digital certificate for owning goods or an asset that represents a great variety of intangible and tangible items such as paintings, virtual real estate, postcards, videos, and so on. NFTs cannot be replicated or equated with an asset that is similar, because every non fungible tokens asset is unique on its own.

The same is the case with NFT, where you cannot just exchange or trade NFT tokens with similar value tokens, as each token is different from one another and has its own uniqueness and rarity.

Non-fungible Tokens Examples

Owning a digital collectible has its benefits over a physical collectible like a stamp or rare coin. Each NFT consists of distinguishable information that makes it unique from other NFTs and makes the verification of authenticity for a collectible easier.

Like, for an artist, it makes the circulation of fake collectibles useless because the original item can be easily traced back to its legal user. Also, in comparison to other NFT cryptocoins, you can’t exchange NFTs directly with anyone and the reason is the same – they’re all non-identical/dissimilar. For example, if you’ve got two NFCs on a single platform, they still won’t be the same despite being a part of the collection or having the same size and color. Let us see some examples of NFT Projects:

CryptoKitties– It is a famous NFT game that includes breeding and collecting cats. These digital cats took NFTs to the mainstream with each token having distinctive ”cattributes”.

Gods unchained– It is a digital collectible card game or online collectible card game, where the cards are in the form of NFTs that can be freely bought and sold.

The History of NFT – How and Why Did it Start?

There are some arguments around the first appearance of NFTs. Colored coins are speculated to be the first NFTs to exist. Colored coins are depictions of real-world assets on the blockchain.

The mention of Colored Coins originated from a blog post in early 2012 by Yoni Assia, titled “bitcoin 2.X (aka Colored Bitcoin) — initial specs.” It is said that Colored Coins supported experimentation and laid the groundwork for NFTs

Distant Non Fungible Tokens Characteristics – What Does it Include?

1. Non-Interoperable

As NFTs follow the standard ERC-721, they’re considered to be non-interoperable which means the information stored in them can’t be exchanged or used in any manner.

2. Rare

Presently, the total number of NFTs is very less in the world and they’re very scarce. This not only makes them rare but also makes their value high. In simple terms, the lesser the number of NFs, the pricier they’ll be.

3. Indestructible

The NFTs are stored and managed through Blockchain that results in a greater level of security for them. This means they can never be destroyed or removed at any cost.

4. Indivisible

You can’t send a portion of NFT cryptocoins to anyone (unlike other cryptocurrencies) because they’re non-fungible and don’t have a defined value. For instance, one bitcoin will possess the same value after transfer but NFT won’t.

5. Unique

Resonating with real artwork, NFTs use blockchain to stay apart from the crowd and determine the authenticity of a state of art. It also allows you to distinguish original items from their replicated copies.

NFTs are coded with software code (called smart contracts) that governs the prospects such as verifying the ownership and managing the transferability of the NFTs. Also, NFTs can get programmed beyond the basics of ownership and transferability like any software application that incorporates a variety of applications and functionality (which also involves the linking of NFT to other digital assets).

NFTs contain a unique set of information about an asset or a good programmed into them. This makes them a perfect match for issuing certificates, identities, qualifications, and licenses. The identification or certification can be issued directly through the blockchain as an NFT to make it traceable back to the source.

Customization Approach

Advantages of Non-fungible tokens are safe unlike other tokens that can’t be. Smart agreements/contracts and fungible tokens could possibly enact a portion of the functions of non-fungible tokens. However, in the non-fungible token market, all the information is held by the token itself. 

Secure Trade

Generally, importance of non-fungible tokens can be seen with transferring the ownership of physical or digital items is at risk of fraud, and as such is either difficult in its execution or sometimes it is basically not permitted. With the security of blockchain and the uniqueness of non-fungible tokens, exchanging anything addressed by the token would be a much less complex and more effective process. As a token, it might actually permit the responsibility of ownership of items to be transferred across platforms or even be interoperable across various services like games or NFT marketplaces.


Sales in NFT are recorded through blockchain technology, which demonstrates ownership. The real NFTs are made and stored through marketplaces and platforms like Open Sea or Rarible. 

If by any chance these platforms get shut, there will be no assurance that you would have the option to access the work. This makes it less secure than having a physical art hanging on a wall or gaming tickets or trading cards that won’t just simply vanish. 


Sales in NFT are recorded through blockchain technology, which demonstrates ownership. The real NFTs are made and stored through marketplaces and platforms like Open Sea or Rarible. 

If by any chance these platforms get shut, there will be no assurance that you would have the option to access the work. This makes it less secure than having a physical art hanging on a wall or gaming tickets or trading cards that won’t just simply vanish. 

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