Worlds First Computer History


Worlds First Computer History

The use of computer started in the sixties and in the nineties information technology started gaining wide recognition in this country. The first computer of Bangladesh (then East Pakistan) was set up in 1964 at the Atomic Energy Center of the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, Dhaka. It was a 1620 series Mainframe Computer from IBM (International Business Machines - IBM). The main use of the device was to perform mathematical calculations in complex research. It was the first computer in South Asia.

In the sixties, banking, insurance and business, including scientific research, began to expand rapidly at home and abroad; And so the amount of routine calculations increases as the need arises to bring speed. In many large organizations it has become almost impossible to manage hand-to-hand accounts.

During this time many large companies in the country set up expensive mainframe computers. In the late sixties, the then Habib Bank installed IBM 1401 computer and United Bank IBM 1901 computer. These computers, used primarily for all bank accounting, were of the third generation mainframe type.

Prior to independence, an IBM 360 computer was installed at the Bureau of Statistics in 1989. A mainframe computer was also installed at Adamji Jute Mill at this time. Although limited in scope, the introduction of computer hardware and software in the curriculum of Mathematics, Physics, Applied Physics, Electrical and Electronics Strategy etc. started at the university level before independence.

Large computers such as IBM 370, IBM 9100 and IBM 4341 were gradually installed in the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics from 1972 onwards.
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