How Corona Virus Start?


Where does the corona virus start? The coronavirus has been developed at a military laboratory in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. Then from there the virus spread out by mistake. China has developed this biomass to occupy world trade and increase its dominance in the world. The allegations have been widely circulated since the coronavirus outbreak. The first such allegation was made by a former official of the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad. Then US President Donald Trump joined the list.  People all over the world have a little more confidence in rumors. These are also practiced properly. Conspiracy theory or conspiracy theory is practiced all over the world. The same thing happened with the lunar conquest, one of the greatest human achievements of the last century.  US astronaut Neil Armstrong first landed on the moon on July 20, 1969. Even after 50 years of lunar conquest, many people believe that people have never landed on the moon. The United States has deceived people all over the world to win the race against the then communist Soviet Union. According to a recent survey by NASA, about 5 percent of people in the country themselves do not believe that Neil Armstrong ever went to the moon.  Whether the coronavirus is China's biological weapon or Israel-US is being debated by a large number of people around the world. And these controversies are being provoked by the accused states themselves. These accusations against each other are reminiscent of the days of the Cold War. In this, some people think, these are basically signaling the return of the Cold War to another turn

Where does the corona virus start? The coronavirus has been developed at a military laboratory in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. Then from there the virus spread out by mistake. China has developed this biomass to occupy world trade and increase its dominance in the world. The allegations have been widely circulated since the coronavirus outbreak. The first such allegation was made by a former official of the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad. Then US President Donald Trump joined the list.

People all over the world have a little more confidence in rumors. These are also practiced properly. Conspiracy theory or conspiracy theory is practiced all over the world. The same thing happened with the lunar conquest, one of the greatest human achievements of the last century.

US astronaut Neil Armstrong first landed on the moon on July 20, 1969. Even after 50 years of lunar conquest, many people believe that people have never landed on the moon. The United States has deceived people all over the world to win the race against the then communist Soviet Union. According to a recent survey by NASA, about 5 percent of people in the country themselves do not believe that Neil Armstrong ever went to the moon.

Whether the coronavirus is China's biological weapon or Israel-US is being debated by a large number of people around the world. And these controversies are being provoked by the accused states themselves. These accusations against each other are reminiscent of the days of the Cold War. In this, some people think, these are basically signaling the return of the Cold War to another turn

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