What are the best painting colors for awesome paint?


What are the best painting colors?

There are different ways to draw pictures. There are different ways to draw pictures with pencil, ink-pen, oil color, acrylic paint. Some of these mediums are

Poster color

Poster color is a favorite medium for children to draw pictures. It is basically the color of water medium (water baised). This color is mixed with water to draw. Poster colors are heavier and thicker than bright colors. It can be called opaque color. The reason is that if one color is applied on another, the previous color is completely covered. The previous color is lost. Poster colors are available in different shades or in different colors on glass vials. Preserved in vials in the form of thick paste. The paint is taken out of the bottle and diluted with water and used on the paper. Poster colors are usually drawn on paper. The advantage of using poster color on a slightly rough texture paper. Multiple brushes and as much clean water as possible should be used to retain the brightness in the picture. It is possible to draw any kind of picture with poster color.

Acrylic paint

Acrylic paints are available in various shapes, large and small, in glass and plastic containers in the form of tubes. It is possible to paint on any of the paper, board or canvas with acrylic paint. It is also basically an opaque color. However, it can be used as a water color by mixing it thinly. The paint dries very quickly so it can be painted quickly. As a result, acrylic paint is a very popular medium among artists at this time. Acrylic is available in all colors. The color that is available in the market under the name of plastic paint is also mainly acrylic. However, it is relatively liquid from the acrylic paint. Plastic paints are painted by mixing water.


When you hear the name of watercolor, you can understand that it has to be drawn by mixing water. The watercolor box is like a rectangular tablet in a small hut. Also available in separate tablet form. However, rust is also formed in the tube like paste. Although watercolor and poster color are close, they are very different in quality. Watercolor transparent and thin. The previous color cannot be covered with one color over another. Because it is transparent, two colors combine to form one color. Watercolors are commonly used on paper. A little thick and rough texture paper is most suitable for drawing watercolors. The thick cartridges available in our country can be painted in watercolor. Those who can afford it will get handmade paper or advanced type of paper.

Rules for using watercolors

One, cut the cartridge paper in half. If you want, you can make it smaller. Remember that the paper should not be twisted or folded. Let the cut be beautiful. Clip the paper over the hardboard with a clip so that it is tight. Place the board in front of you, leaning on the floor or something high. Take a mug of clean water. Next to it, place a specially made palette or a few white saucers for watercolor drawing. Keep color tubes or color boxes with you. Now it's time to start drawing. Before you start, think carefully about what to draw. Suppose a black and white cloud draws the sky. Draw clouds with light spots in pencil.

It is better not to wipe with rubber. Excessive rubbing destroys the smoothness of the paper. Applying paint can cause unnecessary stains on the rubbed area. Images can also be damaged. Wet the paper with a clean wet rag or a wide brush before applying the paint. Wait a moment. You will see that the water has dried up a bit on the paper. Now paint the saucer. You also have to take some brown color. Mix brown, blue paint with water and gently apply on half-wet paper with a wide brush. Remember to start painting from the top of the paper. The brush should be run from left to right. The color will roll down like water. Quickly brush the rolled paint and finish the wash. In this way, the parts of the white cloud will be left according to the drawing while giving the blue wash. That is, the paper should remain white. After finishing the blue wash in this way, wait for a while. When the color dries, the black cloud will start working. For this, mix blue and black and then mix black and brown separately in two sachets to make the desired amount of color.

Then first apply a little light blue and black mixed color on the part of the black cloud according to the drawing. Then darken the color by mixing black and brown and apply some part on top of the previous color to make it darker. You will see that if you paint on wet paper and wet paint in this way, the type of wet wet black cloud of rain will come. Now mix the black and brown color very lightly in the white cloud and apply it where the shade is needed. This is the end of drawing your picture. Here is a simple method. This method can be used to draw a watercolor picture in a very short time.

However, according to the subject will need a variety of colors. The color will vary according to the shade and it will take more time. The use of watercolor should be mastered by practicing repeatedly in the classroom under the supervision of the teacher.

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