Everything You Need To Know About First Aid Box


First aid or remediation is a part of medicine. The first aid is to help the patient in the event of a sudden illness or accident with something close at hand, so that the patient's condition does not deteriorate or complications develop before the doctor arrives. That is to say, the initiative taken to take the first care and brief appropriate action in case of any accident, is called first aid / remedy.  Bleeding: Blood is a type of fluid. Its color is red. Blood color appears red in the presence of a red pigment called hemoglobin. Bleeding that occurs as a result of an injury or cut in any part of the body, and the blood that comes out of that wound is called bleeding or hemorrhage. Bleeding can occur in various ways such as  1. Bleeding from the mouth If there is bleeding from any part of the mouth, ice should be sucked. Then the bleeding will stop. Then the patient has to rest for a while.  2. Bleeding through the nose: If someone starts bleeding from the nose due to injury or any other reason, he should immediately lie down on his back or sit down and tilt his head backwards. The clothes have to be loosened. Cold compress should be given in front of the nose and behind the neck. Then you have to breathe through your mouth. Even after the bleeding has stopped, cotton should be kept in the nostrils for a while.  3. If any part of the body is cut, the cut area should be held with clean hands for a while. When the blood stops, it should be tied with a bandage. Bleeding usually occurs from three sources. E.g.  A) Capillary - Blood comes out like a continuous stream.  B) Vein - Blood comes out by gargling.  C) Artery - Blood comes out through the sputum.  Most of the bleeding in accidents is from the capillaries.  First aid for bleeding:  1. The patient should be transferred to a place where he can be seated and bedridden. This will reduce the bleeding automatically. 2. Bleeding will be greatly reduced if the place from which the bleeding is taking place is placed on the level of the heart. 3. If it is cut slightly, blood clots form in that place and bleeding stops automatically.  4. Applying thumb pressure on the cut site often stops the bleeding.  5. The movement of the injured limb must be stopped.  . Ice should be used in place of bleeding.  . Direct and indirect pressure should be applied to stop the bleeding.  . The wound should be bandaged with a clean cloth or bandage. 9. Take to a doctor or hospital immediately.  10. In case of excessive bleeding, tunicate should be used. Tunicate means to tighten the initial binding by twisting and turning. Loosen the wound and insert a stick or pencil into it.  Electric shock: Nowadays, electricity is also available in cities and suburbs and in villages. Unplanned and illegal power connections in many places can result in electric shocks and accidents at any time. There are two types of electricity. AC current and DC current. The AC pulls and pulls the current. DC current just pushes. AC current is more deadly for him. Accidents are caused by the connection of an electric current to a wet cloth or tree. There is a risk of getting electrocuted if you touch them.  When exposed to electricity: The main switch should be turned off immediately if an electric wire gets entangled in someone's body or someone gets electrocuted. If for some reason the switch cannot be turned off, he must be pushed away with the dry wood. If you can't find wood, you have to wrap it in dry cloth and push it. Occasionally there is a risk of being electrocuted if left unattended. Never give water to the skin. If you can't breathe, you have to breathe artificially. See a doctor soon.
Everything You Need To Know About First Aid Box 

First aid or remediation is a part of medicine. The first aid is to help the patient in the event of a sudden illness or accident with something close at hand, so that the patient's condition does not deteriorate or complications develop before the doctor arrives. That is to say, the initiative taken to take the first care and brief appropriate action in case of any accident, is called first aid / remedy.

Bleeding: Blood is a type of fluid. Its color is red. Blood color appears red in the presence of a red pigment called hemoglobin. Bleeding that occurs as a result of an injury or cut in any part of the body, and the blood that comes out of that wound is called bleeding or hemorrhage. Bleeding can occur in various ways such as

1. Bleeding from the mouth If there is bleeding from any part of the mouth, ice should be sucked. Then the bleeding will stop. Then the patient has to rest for a while.

2. Bleeding through the nose: If someone starts bleeding from the nose due to injury or any other reason, he should immediately lie down on his back or sit down and tilt his head backwards. The clothes have to be loosened. Cold compress should be given in front of the nose and behind the neck. Then you have to breathe through your mouth. Even after the bleeding has stopped, cotton should be kept in the nostrils for a while.

3. If any part of the body is cut, the cut area should be held with clean hands for a while. When the blood stops, it should be tied with a bandage. Bleeding usually occurs from three sources. E.g.

A) Capillary - Blood comes out like a continuous stream.

B) Vein - Blood comes out by gargling.

C) Artery - Blood comes out through the sputum.

Most of the bleeding in accidents is from the capillaries.

First aid for bleeding:

1. The patient should be transferred to a place where he can be seated and bedridden. This will reduce the bleeding automatically.

2. Bleeding will be greatly reduced if the place from which the bleeding is taking place is placed on the level of the heart.

3. If it is cut slightly, blood clots form in that place and bleeding stops automatically.

4. Applying thumb pressure on the cut site often stops the bleeding.

5. The movement of the injured limb must be stopped.

. Ice should be used in place of bleeding.

. Direct and indirect pressure should be applied to stop the bleeding.

. The wound should be bandaged with a clean cloth or bandage.

9. Take to a doctor or hospital immediately.

10. In case of excessive bleeding, tunicate should be used. Tunicate means to tighten the initial binding by twisting and turning. Loosen the wound and insert a stick or pencil into it.

Electric shock:

Nowadays, electricity is also available in cities and suburbs and in villages. Unplanned and illegal power connections in many places can result in electric shocks and accidents at any time. There are two types of electricity. AC current and DC current. The AC pulls and pulls the current. DC current just pushes. AC current is more deadly for him. Accidents are caused by the connection of an electric current to a wet cloth or tree. There is a risk of getting electrocuted if you touch them.

When exposed to electricity:

The main switch should be turned off immediately if an electric wire gets entangled in someone's body or someone gets electrocuted. If for some reason the switch cannot be turned off, he must be pushed away with the dry wood. If you can't find wood, you have to wrap it in dry cloth and push it. Occasionally there is a risk of being electrocuted if left unattended. Never give water to the skin. If you can't breathe, you have to breathe artificially. See a doctor soon.

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